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Anna Mathew

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Dreams do come true. All you need is the will and the passion to achieve it! one of the mottos I live by :) I see myself as a relaxed-self motivated individual with a passion for learning and someone who loves to take up challenges. I much enjoy initiating and organizing projects, tasks and writing policies from the scratch with in-depth research. As an HR professional, I have a solid track record of managing HR activities, including job postings, screenings, interviews, onboarding etc. I am highly analytic and people-oriented with a great ability to get along with people from diverse backgrounds. I am often recognized for my quick learning ability to support the recruitment process by efficiently performing checks and handling employment contracts. In a gist, I am a person who finds beauty and passion in everything I see and do. :) Specialties: Research, quick-learner (often appreciated for it everywhere), training and development, negotiation, reports, presentation, public speaking, peoples person and artistic (I paint, act and dance as well ;))

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