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Anne-Sophie Duthion's Linkedin Analytics

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Anne-Sophie Duthion

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Change adoption and internal engagement. With over 13 years' expertise in integrated communications and branding, I hold a Prosci ADKAR certification in change management. I now channel this set of specialist skills to boost the success rate of transformation initiatives (digital or AI transformation, reorganisation, implementation of new processes or tools). For example, I led a change adoption project for the head office finance department of Pernod Ricard, a global leader in wines and spirits. My role was to design and pilot a community platform to facilitate knowledge management and change adoption globally, using Microsoft tools. I also developed and implemented a consistent messaging and content strategy for the executives and project team. Finally, I helped them to increase their impact through project materials (frameworks, guidelines), collective intelligence and facilitation, training and coaching sessions. Author of the chapter on the "department stores'" in the book "Luxe & Resilience" (Eric Briones, Dunod, 2021), I am an expert speaker on change and a member of the French Founders, ProKnow Club, Institut de la Sociodynamique.

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