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Offshoring is broken, especially for small and mid-size CPA firms. While larger firms rave about how offshoring has helped them tackle capacity challenges, save costs, and launch new services, smaller firms often struggle with lack of control and poor quality. Why is that? Larger CPA firms hire employees, while smaller firms hire agencies. This is exactly why I created the Direct Ownership model of offshoring. It empowers small and medium-sized CPA firms to hire their own employees in countries like Argentina, India, and the Philippines—within the budget and resources of a smaller firm. By hiring employees instead of agencies, CPA firms gain complete control over their offshore operations. This allows them to receive the same high-quality work as their US team while relieving them of constant worries about data security, as no data is ever shared with third parties (because there are none), all while saving about 50% on salaries. --- Not only am I excellent at what I do, I absolutely love my work! My passion for this work is evident in every aspect of my job - from the excitement of tackling complicated compliance situations to coaching clients on navigating cultural differences, and even waking up at 3 am to take international calls - I genuinely love every single aspect of what I do.

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