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Anthony Fritsch's Linkedin Analytics

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Anthony Fritsch

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Bringing over a decade of sales experience and a passion for enabling Revenue teams gained during my tenure at Google, I have dedicated my professional journey to crafting and implementing impactful enablement programs that drive revenue growth. At CoachHub, I built Enablement from the ground up and led a team of nine talented individuals. As CoachHub expanded its teams and offices, my team provided strong enablement programs to onboard new sellers and increase the productivity of the revenue team through content management, coaching, and training. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and empowering the revenue teams, my team contributed significantly to the company's expansion and success. In January 2024, I embarked on a new chapter in my career by joining Freshworks' Revenue Enablement team. Here, I leverage my extensive experience in supporting Business Development, Account Executive, and Account Manager teams to develop and implement enablement strategies aligned with our sustainable growth objectives.

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