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Anthony Schoch

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I was born in Bordeaux, France, and at the age of 14, I moved to America. This life-changing journey led me to gain a deep understanding for cultural differences, compelling me to adopt diverse perspectives, and strengthening my communication skills across various backgrounds. It is my firm belief in the transformative power of learning and cultural diversity that drove me to become a trainer and to create impactful learning experiences, instilling a love for learning in others. Drawing upon my solid background in education and training, I have cultivated essential skills in understanding unique learning needs, crafting impactful curricula, skillfully managing projects, and innovating in the creation of dynamic learning materials. MY MISSION: I want to make learning an enjoyable experience that everyone can appreciate, helping people to discover their full potential. With technology at our fingertips, I believe we can create innovative learning experiences that truly engage and inspire. SOME FACTS: ✅ Designed and created 100+ online modules for synchronous training, generating annual returns of $20,000. ✅ Trained over 200 learners, dedicating more than 2000 hours to instruction. ✅ Organized and conducted 10+ training workshops for fellow trainers. ✅ Taken on the challenge of transforming traditional training methods by implementing advanced virtual training solutions in organizations. HOW I CAN HELP: With my strong experience in pedagogical design and digital training, I am ready to tackle the challenges of developing and optimizing corporate training programs. My mastery of digital tools and my creative approach to pedagogy allow me to offer innovative solutions for learning and skill development. I am particularly interested in opportunities where I can add value in creating e-learning content, managing training projects, and improving professional learning processes.

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