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Arjanna van der Plas's Linkedin Analytics

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Arjanna van der Plas

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In the past 10 years, I’ve helped many leaders, entrepreneurs, and students to design the life they want to live, overcome mental barriers, and achieve their professional and personal goals. If you want to experience my coaching style and walk away with new insights, feel free to book a sample coaching session through arjanna.com ​I’m certified as a co-active coach by CTI, the largest in-person coach training school in the world, as well as by the International Coach Federation . Moreover, I’m trained as a yoga and meditation teacher (Yoga Tree, RYT200), which inspires me to incorporate mindfulness and somatic exercises in my coaching practice. I also draw from my background in industrial design engineering to find creative solutions for my clients’ challenges. I am a former instructor at Berkeley Haas and the co-founder of WOMEN'S HUB Zurich together with Nele Clüver.

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