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Results oriented manager with experience of leading high performance teams and of successfully increasing efficiency and productivity whilst reducing costs and inefficiencies. Ability to keep a level head at all times, nurture and grow a business, evaluate opportunities and risks and also deliver innovative new solutions to challenges. Possessing excellent client facing and configuration skills and highly successful in helping define company direction, achieving goals and optimizing business. Experience as general manager, sales director and international business developer in different industries as telecommunication, IT, software and entertainment, hotel and resort industries in France, USA, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Czech Republic. Specialties: * Commercial Strategy, Business Leadership, Direct & Channel Sales Development * Go to Market Strategy Development and Implemention, Start Ups, Business Forecast * Team Management, Change Management, Project Management, Process Management * Strategic Partnership Building, Sales Process & Thought Leadership, Team coaching * New Business Acquisition, Account & Business Growth Planning * Cloud Services (SaaS, Unified Communication & Collaboration, Video Conferencing as a Service, Salesforce.com)

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