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Time is a crucial and scarce resource. Therefore being efficient and time management is vital for a successful career. To make the best out of it, I am not only studying full-time as a third-year accounting major and finance minor student at Ontario Tech University. I am involved in various extracurricular activities, such as VP of Operations, Ridgeback Mentor, Peer Leader, Ambassador, and International Student Leader. Furthermore, I am doing my internship at KPMG in Audit for this summer. Throughout my educational and work experience, I have acquired and fortified skills such as problem-solving, efficient communication, teamwork, and detail-oriented working. Furthermore, to keep up with the fast-paced industry, I constantly strive to learn new things, be it at school, at work, at a volunteering position, or completing various online or in-person courses and certifications. I am passionate and looking for opportunities to enhance my skills in the accounting field.

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