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Arun Kumar

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With over 17+ years of extensive experience as a Senior Manager of UX, I have cultivated a robust skill set in Design, UI/UX, and Software/Mobile/Website/Apps architecture and research. My professional journey encompasses proficiency in both Agile and Waterfall methodologies, demonstrating adaptability and effectiveness in diverse project environments. My approach is characterized by a unique fusion of conceptualization, artistic flair, and a rational-based User Experience strategy. This synthesis enables me to craft compelling visual identities that align with creative brand strategies and transform experiences into tangible design solutions, fostering a meaningful connection between brands and consumers. My expertise spans all digital platform channels, and I have successfully collaborated with global brands, engaging with consumers across various touchpoints from offline to digital. From my early days as a designer to my current role as a Senior Manager, I have consistently delivered impactful solutions, contributing to the success of every project in my professional journey.

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