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Arvind Balasubramaniam's Linkedin Analytics

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10+ years (i stopped counting at 10) of cranking out code, building software and mentoring and learning from others. The more I'm in this field, the more I learn that there's more to learn and the imposter syndrome grows quadratic to my age while my skills and knowledge have grown linearly. Fortunately, my self-confidence in delivering projects in teams has grown. Languages I used professionally: Major: C#, Scala, Typescript, Golang, Kotlin (learning) Minor: Python, PHP, ActionScript, Visual Basic Side: C++, Java for hobby projects. My personality: Belbin team role: Plant (creative idea generator), Mechanical Implementer (builds with attention to detail), Shaper (blunt but can organize teams) Briggs-Meyer type: Yes welcome to linkedinXtinder. ISTP (artisan) or INTP (logician) depending on my mood. PS: I deleted my past linked-in tech skill-tree "endorsements" (sorry for appearing uncaring people who endorsed me). I just think it's a garbage feature that's being gamified a lot.

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