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Ashly Ray-Fournier's Linkedin Analytics

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Ashly Ray-Fournier

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After close to two decades in the classroom, I would love to bring my passions to a wider community and make Memphis a better place for all of us. Who has never needed a second chance, or had a run of bad luck? I believe that Memphis can be a better place for ALL OF US— we just have to work together to create equity and bring opportunities to those who have been historically underserved, to make sure housing, work, and educational opportunities are available for everyone. My valuable skills and experience include team building, professional development facilitation, coaching and mentoring; data collection, analysis, and visualization; portfolio project management and data-driven decision support; community building and stakeholder involvement; information architecture and taxonomy; Crisis Prevention Intervention training; cultural diversity awareness, psychological safety practices, and deep familiarity and work with social justice and equity curriculum and implementation.

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