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Audrey Nesbitt's Linkedin Analytics

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Audrey Nesbitt

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As CEO and Co-Founder of Bloomly, I contribute over two decades of entrepreneurship, marketing, and PR experience to our collective passion for the Web3 revolution. With a PMP credential and an MBA from Heriot-Watt University, my background in Web3 is integral to leading initiatives in these new and emerging tech arenas. At Bloomly, our team's shared enthusiasm for the NFT and digital asset revolution drives our mission, focusing on making these technologies accessible and manageable for businesses, thereby simplifying their integration into this evolving digital landscape. My tenure as a marketing advisor and former CMO at CryptoChicks marks a significant chapter in my career, where I contributed to the expansion of this international non-profit organization dedicated to fostering and educating women and youth in the blockchain/Web3 space. Established as a global educational hub, CryptoChicks aims to empower and inspire those interested in learning about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. The organization's impactful work has been recognized through nominations for the Blockchain Company of the Year Award at the Canadian FinTech and AI Awards and the Diversity Initiative of the Year at the inaugural Women in IT Awards Canada My commitment to innovative leadership and diversity has led to nominations for the Women in IT Award for Tech Startup of the Year (2023) and Outstanding Leadership (2024) at the Marketing2.0 Conference. Continuously shaping the landscape of Web3, I remain dedicated to making a lasting impact in this evolving field.

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