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Auronda Scalera

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Auronda Scalera is an art curator and public figure featured in the NYC Journal as one of the Top 20 inspiring women in 2023. Curator for Art Dubai Digital and Bulgari Prize Digital Art nominator , Auronda plays a significant role in contemporary art and WEB3. Specialised in contemporary art and digital art with a thorough understanding of the global art market, she decided to lives between London, Dubai and to explore new virtual world in the metaverse. She regularly participate - during the World Economic Forum- at talk and summit, speaking and advising for organisatons such as the World Economic Forum AI House at Davos 2024. She create exhibition and programmes with some of the most visionary artists, technologists and thinkers of her time. After completing her studies in contemporary art, technology, philosophy with Giorgio Agamben, she embarked on a journey that would take her to work internationally and manage extensive exhibitions, cultural projects, art fairs. She delivered an inspirational lecture-performance at the House of Beautiful Business conference in Lisbon in front of 700+ world leaders. She regularly appears on the art and technology conference and summit circuit and is a lecturer at several University courses, as well as working as a curator, advisor, and global ambassador for art and culture. The House of Lords wanted her as expert witness on art, culture and new technologies at the UK Parliament, part of the first evidence session for a Commission on Web3 and the metaverse; SkyTV / ClassCNBC interviewed her among academics, artists and researchers on AI, art and museums; the PlusTate UK institutional network of museums invited her to organise webinars on art and new technologies; the latest World Economic Forum 2023 on Web3 and Metaverse for 100woman x Davos had her as discussant about equity and diversity. She is the co-founder of Multiplicity-Art in Digital, a curatorial and publishing platform focused on women, diversity & technology where she uses her influential voice and expertise to empower artists. She regularly publishes articles on digital arts and recently she contributed to a special CryptoART monograph of Ellen Sheidlin by Rizzoli International. She also works as curatorial duo with Alfredo Cramerotti, director of Media Majlis Museum of art and new technologies in Doha. She co-directing a $100M impact art investment fund to be launched in Summer 2024 because she is heavily invested in the soft power capabilities of art & culture among various scenarios - political, economical, and social.

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