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Avinash Rajput

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"I'm a creative writer with a strong understanding of SEO. I'm confident that I can help you create content that will attract readers and keep them coming back for more." I'm inspired to become a fashion writer by Carrie Bradshaw and Emily Cooper, two strong, independent women who use their writing & marketing quirks to express their love of fashion and inspire others. But unlike Carrie, I'm not afraid to admit that I love Carrie's shoes👠👡 more than her writing. And unlike Emily, I'm not afraid to make mistakes🥺 . In fact, I think mistakes are essential to the creative process. So bring on the fashion disasters! I'm ready to learn and grow. Skills:💪💫 Creative writing Content creation Research Editing Interviewing Social media marketing SEO WordPress Fashion writing Content marketing Finance Education:👩‍🎓 Masters in Commerce. Personal Interests:🤩 Reading Writing Photography Traveling Watching movies on OTT. Quick Facts about me:- 😎💫🍀💪 I'm a huge DC fan, but I've never seen an Avengers movie. I'm Carrie Bradshaw but with a little less obsession for shoes. I'm an organized person with an OCD for cleanliness. I grew up in Gujarat but can barely speak or understand Gujarati. I'm a currency hoarder. I love Mondays. I'm an introvert but love connecting with people through my writing. I don't know squat about football🤣 but a die hard Cr7 is Fan .🖤❤️

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