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Avital Black's Linkedin Analytics

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Avital Black

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With over 10 years of experience in office management and administration, I opened Ctrl+, a company that provides remote office services to businesses in Hebrew and English. I am passionate about delivering high-quality, customer-focused, and efficient solutions for various businesses' office needs, such as invoices, contracts, calendars, spreadsheets, presentations, and more. I started Ctrl+ in 2018, after working as an office manager, paralegal, project manager, and account manager in different sectors, including law, health, and social services. I leveraged my skills and knowledge in office operations, workflows, case management, bookkeeping, and customer service to create a business with a reputation for excellence. I work with a team of professionals who share my vision and values of reliability, flexibility, and innovation. Here at Ctrl+, we are at the ready to help you focus on your core business, while we take care of all the office work remotely.

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