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Cosmin Barbu's Linkedin Analytics

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Cosmin Barbu

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I help non-founders realize their vision as a fractional CTO - as the technical lead and startup coach. With over 15 years of experience, I'm a dynamic leader in software development. My expertise spans finance, fintech, accounting, e-learning, and e-health. I've worked in large and small companies, helping startups launch MVPs. I'm an innovative problem solver who thrives in challenging environments. I bridge tech and business, connecting with clients and stakeholders. I consistently deliver complex projects on time, exceeding expectations. I'm more than a tech expert; I'm your partner in success. I'm not just a tech expert; I'm a partner in your journey to success. My commitment to understanding your unique needs and my dedication to finding innovative solutions will be pivotal in achieving your business goals. Let's connect and drive your startup. Meet me or write me a DM: I am your trusted partner for transformative tech solutions.

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