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Bany Sen's Linkedin Analytics

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Bany Sen

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Thank you for considering my profile. I specialize in Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics 4, and conversion setup for effective marketing campaigns and data analysis. Here’s how I can assist you: **Google Analytics 4** - Migrate from Universal Analytics to GA4 seamlessly. - Start capturing vital user data and understand user interactions to drive future improvements. - Implement Conversion Actions and Ecommerce tracking. - Integrate GA4 with Google Search Console for comprehensive reporting. - Import GA4 conversion actions into Google Ads for streamlined tracking. **Google Tag Manager** - Configure Tag Manager as the sole tag on your page for optimal performance. - Set up tags for various ad platforms like Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and more. - Ensure compliance with privacy software like OneTrust or CookieBot. - Implement Ecommerce tracking for comprehensive data insights. **Google Ads Measurements** - Track conversions imported from GA4 or set up through Google Ads Tag in Google Tag Manager. - Provide basic assistance with campaign setup and management. **Google Search Console / Bing Webmaster Tools** - Start collecting valuable data and monitor changes in click-through rates (CTR). - Analyze keywords driving traffic to your site and receive alerts for site errors. - Offer guidance on resolving SEO issues like mobile usability and Core Web Vitals. **Google My Business** - Maximize your online presence with Google My Business. - Gain insights into your search appearance and allow clients to contact you directly from your listing. - Inform customers about your business hours and increase visibility in local searches. - Utilize UTM tagging to track Google My Business performance in other analytics services. Let’s work together to optimize your online presence and drive results. Feel free to reach out for assistance!

Check out Bany Sen's verified LinkedIn stats (last 30 days)

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