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Barbara A. Karpinska, MS, MBA, FACHE's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Barbara A. Karpinska, MS, MBA, FACHE

Barbara A. Karpinska, MS, MBA, FACHE

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Value driven executive leader who can achieve market and financial growth and business transformation thru process redesign, technology implementations and alignment of incentives leading to behavior change. An athlete who represented the USA and Poland in the World and European championships. Proven ability to lead diverse teams and to build effective relationships through solid understanding of multi-mission, complex organizations. Strong background in strategy, finance, operations, technology, digital and culture transformations. Experience in identifying new revenue opportunities. Unique combination of clinical expertise, analytical and negotiation skills. Consultative, metrics and solutions-based approach. Key note and motivational speaker KEY ACHIEVEMENTS: • Best of five regions in the country in 2022 • Named 2019 Employer of the Year • Achieved $2.2M financial recovery in 9 months • M&A of 11 sites of service in three years • 50% growth of new faculty • US News & World Report score improved from #19 in 2015 to #13 in 2016 CONTACT: [email protected]

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