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Dimitar Krumov

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I am Dimitar Krumov, a highly experienced web developer with 23 years of experience in the field. My top skills include Google technologies, CSS, WordPress, web development, SEO, technical SEO, custom software development, social media marketing, advertising, and servers. Over the years, I have been involved in numerous web development projects, ranging from small business websites to large-scale enterprise applications. I have a deep understanding of the latest web technologies and trends, and I am passionate about creating high-quality, user-friendly websites and applications that drive business results. With my vast experience and expertise, I am a highly sought-after web development professional. In addition to my extensive experience and skills, I have worked on several top projects throughout my career. Some of my notable projects include: SEO Book Pro: A database for all Technical SEO suite tools and advanced database for SEO webmasters. Technical SEO and Website Audit Dashboard with Google V8 Engine: An all-in-one dashboard for technical SEO and website auditing using the Google V8 engine. Plugin for WordPress SEO: An advanced SEO plugin for WordPress. Blank WordPress SEO: A blank live Customizer WordPress theme and SEO framework for WordPress, including a live editor and custom theme editor. Programmable Google Custom Search Engine for Web Developers and Webmasters: A customizable Google custom search engine for web developers and webmasters. My top 30 skills include some of the following apps, program languages, websites and developer tools: Google Analytics, Google Search Console(GMWT), server management, website architecture, API integration, custom business dashboards, SEO consultation, site audits, ML, AI, Google Spreadsheets, email marketing, Adobe Photoshop, front-end development, PPC management, web content writing, and many more. I have 23 years of experience in the field and my favorite web development tools include Firefox Developer Edition, Google Chrome Canary, Atom, Centos 7, PHP, JavaScript, Ajax, App Script, and JSON. My favorite SEO tools include SEO Book Pro, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Ads, Google Ad Sense, Google My Business, and Google Drive. I am passionate about creating innovative and impactful web solutions for businesses and organizations. With my extensive experience, skills, and top projects, I am confident in my ability to deliver exceptional results for any web development or SEO project.

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