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BASHIR AGHA (Balochistan)'s Linkedin Analytics

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BASHIR AGHA (Balochistan)

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1. MANAGER NEP_NIC, Balochistan under Punjab IT Board, in Facilitation role to Business STARTUP Ideas 💡 and Entrepreneurial Eco System Development in #Balochistan. 2. TRAINER #Lincoln #Corner (Pakistan American Culture Center), a Program for Training of Women Entrepreneurs in Balochistan 3. TRAINER #GRASP under International Trade Center to facilitate Agri_Tech Startups in Balochistan. 4. TRAINER Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) for the TOT & SMEs enterprise development training for the Agri_Tech and Livestock Sectors. 5. Member Board of Governors at Pakistan Institute of Management, MoIP, GoP 6. Consultant to various Corporate & Development sector projects in Balochistan. 7. Expertise and working for the TVET Sector Development initiatives in Pakistan 8. Gemologist and Accredited Jewellery professional certification from Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Expertise in the Gemstone, Minerals and Jewellery sector. I served as a project lead for Pakistan Gem and Jewellery Development Company, MoIP, Govt. of Pakistan 9. Alumni USAID, Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and National Security Workshop #NWB-8 10. Member Corporate Advisory Council ORIC-BUITEMS and Board Member to NGO'S. 11. DACUM Facilitator (Certified by NAVTTC) 12. Executive Member Pakistan Business Forum 13. Certified Supplier Development Program #UNDP PAKISTAN

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