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I’ve developed a 4-core principle approach to event design through 13 years of designing site plans/floorplans for large scale events and festivals in the UK and internationally. I've juggled my way out of the circus only to find myself back in the fields, designing, planning and managing festivals and outdoor events. Event Site Design are the CAD drawing experts for outdoor events that offer smart event maps and precision mark-outs, alongside our online site planning software for an interactive approach to site plans that includes operational layer management and analysis tools. www.eventsitedesign.co.uk Whilst I’ve been a part of the Events Industry my whole life, my professional career started in 2006 with safety and site/production management roles at foodie events, exhibitions, trade shows, festivals, outdoor shows and so on. One of the early supporters of my career is WOMAD Festival, where today I look after their production and operations, a service Event Site Design provides to a number of our key clients. Here's three facts about me I've tried to make interesting: 1) I REALLY like order. Not life crippling OCD, but enough to create an argument with the family because they haven't put the cutlery away properly, with knives facing the same way and forks stacked. Come on team, this is simple stuff. 2) I was born into the events industry, with my parents running a circus until I was 7, we toured the circuit of festivals and fields. I can juggle and probably still unicycle enough to get myself in trouble. 3) I have a tech and app habit. Who am I kidding, it's an addiction. I'm not seeking help.

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