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Ben Bozorg

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Boasting over two decades of expertise in product management, software engineering, and digital experience delivery, I am a seasoned product leader renowned for driving digital transformation and nurturing growth across SaaS, EdTech, TravelTech, and GRC sectors. As the Senior Product Manager at 6clicks, an industry vanguard in AI-powered GRC SaaS solutions, I craft holistic strategies that flawlessly merge groundbreaking innovation with concrete results. Notably, my leadership journey includes building product and engineering teams from the ground up, ensuring foundational strength and agility for the businesses I've served. My rich tapestry of skills includes data-driven product discovery, solution design, strategic execution, and a unique knack for fostering top-tier teams across varied industries. With a comprehensive suite of certifications in software, product management, agile frameworks, AWS, Microsoft, and more, I adeptly blend analytical insight, technical aptitude, design-forward thinking, and agile principles to devise cutting-edge, scalable solutions that align with customer desires and elevate business impact. Guided by the principle to "think big, start small, and scale fast," I am on a mission to continuously reshape the contours of product innovation and pilot transformative change in the digital universe. Join me as we push the boundaries of what's possible in the digital arena.

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