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Beth Hankoff (Neurospicy ♾️)'s Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Beth Hankoff (Neurospicy ♾️)

Beth Hankoff (Neurospicy ♾️)

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https://bit.ly/m/Encourage-Education - I customize language arts instruction to your child and family's needs, using a child-centered approach. Self-direction by interests is encouraged, especially as children move toward the upper grades and middle school. My goal is to support you on your homeschool journey. - I teach children how to write in a step-by-step manner, focusing on structure and style instead of grammar and spelling. Grammar and spelling can be cleaned up at the end. The point is to say what you want to say in a clear and organized manner so you can be understood - and to use your own voice and creativity! - I offer Handwriting Without Tears print and cursive instruction for children who need to be taught or are struggling and need remediation. These skills cannot be "picked up." Research shows they need to be directly taught by a trained teacher. I have taken the courses to become a Certified Handwriting Specialist. Visit my website for more information, or message me here on LinkedIn with questions.

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