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Bethany M. Simmons

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As a little girl, my dad would tell me over and over, “Bethany, you could sell snowshoes to a camel.” Admittedly, I have never sold anything to a camel, but Dad nailed it and here we are, 20+ years later, in a cross-industry sales and customer success career. So, what’s my secret? A relational person-centered and customer-centric approach to business that gets results. Here are a few of my recent successes with Epiic and Get A Copywriter: 📈 Achieved a surge of over 42% in customer acquisition rates through a customer-centric approach. (Metrics-driven) 💰 Delivered a 198% year-over-year revenue increase across both the United States and European regions. (Forecasting) 🚀 Converted over 800 new business logos through discovery calls and closing sales. Here is what I bring to the table: 🤝 Relationship builder and collaborator, fostering connections for personal and professional growth. (Account Management, Customer Service) 🚀 Nurturing entrepreneur and self-starter with start-up expertise, launching successful go-to-market strategies and introducing innovative products and services. (Marketing, Strategy) 👨‍👩‍👧 Team leader, empowering and managing sales teams to surpass goals. (Sales, Project Management) 🔥 Decades of sales and customer experience, offering a wealth of knowledge and expertise within SMB and the enterprise. (Customer Success, Sales) 🧳 Bridge builder, connecting people and creating strong, cohesive teams. (Strategy) 💪 Obstacle conqueror, skilled at tackling challenges and turning them into triumphs. Adaptable, comfortable with change, and not afraid to be bold and have tough conversations. (Operationally rigorous) 🧠 Emotional intelligence, connecting deeply with team members to overcome sales hurdles together. (Customer Success) 🌟 Empathy champion, adept at understanding others' emotions and fostering deep connections. (Customer Service) 💡 Process improver, very organized in identifying areas for enhancement and streamlining operations for maximum efficiency. (Operationally rigorous, Metrics-driven) Whenever I am not managing a large portfolio of clients through the entire lifecycle, you'll find me volunteering, nose-deep in fiction books, sitting in a frigid cold plunge, or re-watching Brooklyn 99 (yes, again!). Specialties: Sales management, account management, customer acquisition, customer success, relationship building, sales strategies, cross-industry sales, negotiation, sales coaching, and mentoring.

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