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Etienne Kruajitch's Linkedin Analytics

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Etienne Kruajitch

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Entrepreneur and sportsman, I write your LinkedIn posts. How does this relate to sports and entrepreneurship? Like in sports, LinkedIn is about consistency and training. Like in business, you have to know who to deliver the right message to in order to generate opportunities. To be concise as in my podcasts, here I am in key words: - Start-up creation, - Failure, - Podcast creation, - LinkedIn Publishing, - Ghostwriter ✍ Everyone is watching, no one is writing 👀 That's the power of LinkedIn, bringing you maximum exposure for your business. It's time to make your mark, grow your business and create awareness. And since LinkedIn requires a lot of time and you can't dedicate any, I'm here to take care of that part. With my style and my pen, I write to convert your readers and increase your credibility with your target. Whether you're a CEO, freelancer, or just looking for advice, send me a message to tell me about your projects, I'll answer with the biggest smile! See you soon 💪 ---- 💻 email: [email protected] 📱 number: 06 77 48 97 42 🎙 My podcast: https://anchor.fm/etienne-kruajitch

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