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Bill Manyatta

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👉I am an accomplished Electrical and Electronics Engineer with over 7 years of hands-on experience in designing and implementing advanced electrical systems. My approach centers on innovative design, precise execution, and unwavering commitment to quality assurance, ensuring operational efficiency and safety across diverse industries, from power generation to automation. 💡With a keen eye for optimizing electrical infrastructure, I've successfully driven projects from conception to completion, ensuring seamless integration with existing systems. Whether it's the installation and commissioning of Electric Overhead Cranes or the revamping of a 33kV/415V Substation, my projects have consistently demonstrated precision, project management prowess, and timely completion. 💎As a proven leader, I've successfully orchestrated and guided proficient teams of electrical technicians, optimizing equipment reliability and efficiency through preventive and breakdown maintenance strategies. At Corrugated Sheets Ltd, I ensured uninterrupted operations at a rolling steel plant by leading a team of 10 electrical technicians and electricians. My expertise extends to maintaining critical components in main electrical control rooms, minimizing disruptions, and ensuring seamless mill operations. 🎓I hold a Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Technical University of Kenya, complemented by specialized training in substation maintenance, servicing, control, and relay operations from Kenya Power Ltd Personnel. My industry proficiency spans Low and Medium Voltage Power Systems, Electrical Generators, PLC-based Automation systems, and more. 💫In addition to my technical prowess, I excel in translating complex technical concepts into actionable insights for stakeholders at all levels. I'm passionate about staying at the forefront of emerging technologies and leveraging this knowledge to devise forward-thinking solutions. My track record showcases a balance of technical excellence with strategic foresight, consistently delivering solutions that surpass expectations. 🌐https://roofingsgroup.com/

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