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Alison B.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Alison Birch

Alison Birch

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Senior HR professional who cares deeply about people and who leads with empathy, compassion and humanity One of the most strategically important functions within any business; HR/People teams enable transformational changes to employee engagement and overall performance levels. Maximising the moments which matter most in employee experience - fostering inclusion, psychological safety and authentic leadership. Driven and commercially minded through strategic and operational balance. Successful, varied career and personal growth journey having gained expertise, and skills through working in different roles within diverse industries/sectors, all with the emphasis on delivering results with the highest levels of service. This has honed my functional understanding and commercial acumen. ‘People’ whether internal/external customers, stakeholders or team have always featured extensively. Natural, authentic and inspiring leader. Led teams of between 1-200. Comfortable working autonomously/team. Deep expertise in talent acquisition, employer branding and all things employee experience. Passionate about internal mobility and overall talent management. Led creative and successful engagement initiatives resulting in positive experience impact and increased engagement including Great Place to Work certification. Effective supplier management, partnering with third parties. A personal focus and interest around social value and CSR. Skilled in process review and execution, always striving for continuous improvement. Experienced in leading personal growth and wellbeing programmes alongside facilitation and delivery of training courses, workshops and efficient organisation of conferences. Led generalist activities including Redundancy processes with minimal disruption to business delivery and zero appeals. I am motivated by the opportunity to make a difference ensuring the customer/end user and our people are at the heart of all delivery.

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