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Blake Lezenski

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Blake Lezenski is the Partner Program Director at Outlier Ventures and has led the execution of two FARFETCH Dream Assembly Base Camp program editions. Having successfully guided 32 startups across 4 cohorts, he is a KOL in luxury fashion open innovation. Deeply embedded in the global digital fashion network, Blake was selected for the advisory boards of the Metaverse Fashion Council and Digital Fashion Week. Previously he has been supporting fashion tech founders as an investor and consultant. Earlier in his career, Blake worked with InnoEnergy VC, where he built a pipeline of cleantech startups, launched Beyond Capital, a consultancy firm advising blockchain founders and helped grow Uber Eats in Central America and the Caribbean. He led the scale up and implementation efforts within all of Latin America as well as the first data monetization project in the history of Uber. Blake’s personal winning track record of angel investing helped him formulate a robust knowledge base, experience with investor relations and how to best support early-stage founders in a niche but rapidly growing Web3 luxury commerce & digital fashion market.

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