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Blamah Sarnor

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📖 If my life was a story it would be liken to the story of Joseph in the Bible. A dreamer that despite the odds never gave up but instead continued to dream and hold fast to the vision that was given. How long are you willing to persevere for your dream? I was mentored by the late Dr. Robert E. Linneman and his passion for creating profitable and sustainable businesses inspired me to work with some of the most preeminent leaders and innovators in marketing and technology. I am the CEO and Founder of Web Collaborative, a full service digital creative agency. We pride ourselves on producing high quality work that authentically communicates the value and story of our clients. In short, staying true to their “Digital DNA” so that they are successful for the long haul. I am a board member of KEDO, Inc. This is a nonprofit organization that "Builds Schools and Futures in War-Torn Countries". It is a charity whose work is based in Liberia, West Africa and has built a school serving 80+ school age children and currently is in progress of completing a health clinic to help mitigate the ongoing health crisis in the nation. In particular, dealing with the 5th highest maternal mortality rate in the world. 👟 NEXT STEPS: 1️⃣ Connect with me on LinkedIn! 2️⃣ Stop by and say hi from time to time :) 3️⃣ Browse my resume: k00.fr/r5bdwfd4 4️⃣ Check out my book: amzn.to/2vcGeIX 5️⃣ Book a virtual coffee What's New: 💡CultureRiff: go.cultureriff.com Helping organizations improve employer, employee & stakeholder relations with the power of sound, music and AI.  💡B2B Growth Systems We help manufacturers create sales and marketing systems that accelerate growth and maximize conversions. 💡eComFiles: ecomfiles.com We help eCommerce stores maximize their sales without spending all their money on paid ads. 💡Survivable World: shop.survivable.world We provide a line of endangered-species apparel to help raise awareness for wildlife conservation. 💡LinkedInAblaze.com We provide fully managed LinkedIn Lead Generation for busy entrepreneurs and business leaders. 💡VidChips.com We specialize in producing best-in-class interview shows and story-based programs. 💡DemandDolphin.com Make your most valuable content viral with YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok Clips. 💡CloutCobra.com We provide employer branding and reputation services to help you stand out in a competitive job market and attract top talent. 💡Blamah.com Through talks, training, workshops, and coaching, we empower and inspire. 💡Reel Rapid AI Turn one video into a campaign symphony!

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