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Blessing Samuel

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"Devconnect Scholar 2023" Blessing Samuel possesses extensive expertise in software engineering, specializing in technical aspects. Working with Agile methodologies is comfortable and familiar territory. Blessed with proficiency in a wide range of technologies including HTML5, CSS3 (SAAS & SCSS), Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Express, React + Redux, NextJS, Vue + Vuex, Jest, Firebase, MySQL, PHP, Styled-components, MongoDB, Cypress, AWS, Blockchain, Ethers.js, Web3.js, Wagm, Viem, Ethereum, Algorand, Polygon, Celo, and Web3. Passionate about programming and web design, Blessing finds joy in creating web-based projects. The journey into web development began in 2019 when the decision was made to experiment with a free HTML template. Possessing a strong command of JavaScript and its frameworks such as React and Vue, Blessing thrives in collaborative engineering teams that foster rapid learning and encourage trying new things. Although not fond of speaking about oneself in the third person, Blessing's driving force is the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth, always seeking new opportunities to expand horizons. A firm believer in the success and growth of the team, Blessing consistently contributes their best efforts and fosters strong bonds within each project undertaken. Currently, Blessing is actively broadening his skill set in the realm of blockchain development, particularly intrigued by the Web3 ecosystem.

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