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Kosala (Kosy) Aravinda's Linkedin Analytics

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Kosala (Kosy) Aravinda

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I'm thrilled to share my journey as a tech enthusiast with 20+ years of experience in the tech space. My interest revolves around emerging tech, especially - Blockchain & AI/ML. My name is Kosy, and I'm passionate about leveraging emerging technologies to transform industries and drive positive change in the world. With a profound love for all things tech, I've immersed myself in the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain and decentralised technologies. I firmly believe that blockchain has the potential to revolutionise various sectors by enhancing security, transparency, and efficiency. Having accumulated a few years of experience in the blockchain space, I have the privilege of leading teams of diverse disciplines. I've been fortunate to collaborate with talented teams globally, allowing me to explore innovative solutions and refine my skills continuously. Beyond my professional endeavours, I strongly advocate for fostering innovation and knowledge-sharing within the tech community. I've been actively involved in organising industry events, workshops, and webinars, where I aim to empower others with the insights and tools needed to embark on their blockchain journeys. I firmly believe that collective progress and collaboration are the keys to unlocking the full potential of emerging technologies. Embracing the fast-paced nature of the emerging tech (Blockchain & AI/ML) industry, I am committed to being a lifelong learner. I thrive on exploring new advancements, staying informed about the latest trends, and challenging myself to embrace novel methodologies. I'm continually seeking opportunities to expand my skill set and embrace emerging technologies that complement and enhance our future. My vision is to drive Web3 movement and integrate it into mainstream applications, addressing real-world challenges and fostering a more secure and equitable digital ecosystem. I'm excited about the potential to collaborate with like-minded professionals and organisations that share a passion for pushing boundaries and making a meaningful impact. If you're passionate about blockchain and AI technologies or want to network with fellow tech enthusiasts, I'd love to connect. Let's explore the possibilities of how our shared vision and expertise can shape the future and create a lasting impact on the world. Thank you for visiting my LinkedIn profile, and I look forward to connecting and collaborating with you soon!

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