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Bogdan Borcan's Linkedin Analytics

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Bogdan Borcan

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Professional Business Developer with more than 15+ years of sales experience within the local and international telecom industry with activity in multiple market segments such as IaaS, SaaS Enterprise, traditional Hosting, Banking, Healthcare, Automotive. Well connected in a network of decision makers and influencing individuals with proven track record of success driving revenue. My talents include an ability to define client needs and strong negotiation skills for coordinating and achieving complex deals. I bring strategic thinking and analysis to the table while collaborating with diverse teams to understand nuanced product issues. Highly skilled in colocation, cloud services such as IaaS, SaaS & PaaS, Artificial Intelligence infrastructure and security services (DDoS, Firewall, WAF). I take pride in utilizing my strengths in strategic analysis, product management, business development, and partnership cultivation to tackle company and management goals. I’m an expert at facilitating communication with C-level executives and building relationships with personnel, clients, and key internal and external stakeholders. – I’m always interested in making new professional acquaintances.

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