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Brad Shields's Linkedin Analytics

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Brad Shields

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Strategic leader in major telecommunications enterprise, forging and driving initiatives for exceptional team engagement, profits, and savings. * Demonstrate expertise in business development, operations direction, process improvement, system management, program and project management, account management, quality assurance, fiscal oversight, and customer satisfaction. * Secure and maximize key business relationships and strategic partnerships. * Orchestrate internal and external entities to achievement of corporate mission. * Build, train, and motivate cohesive, high-impact teams. * Advance concurrent projects in time-sensitive, challenging settings. * Identify and seize opportunities to boost personal value to organization. Territory Leadership * Strategic Planning * Business Development * Field Management * World-Class Operations Revenue Generation & Savings * Asset Management * Budget Control * Inventory Control * Procurement * Analysis Needs Assessments * Resource Allocations * Goal Setting * Performance Management * Remote Management Workforce Optimization * Policy Enforcement * Benchmarking * Client Retention * Technical Initiatives Call Center Operations * Communications * Union Negotiations * Consensus Building * Decision Making * Problem Solving

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