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Pedro Braga

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I've been helping to develop brands and business for the last twenty years. In this period, I worked both as part of a team and as a freelancer in several projects related to business strategy, technology, marketing, storytelling and creativity. In 2008, I became an entrepreneur and since then I've been acting as a partner, planner and Executive Director for Agency Sabiá, where I developed projects for Atlassian, Equinix, New Relic, Natura, Fleury Group, HCor, LINX / Stone , São Paulo Government, São Paulo's Metro, DHL and many other clients. In 2014, I have helped start EMPRESE, a new organization dedicated to entrepreneurship empowerment throughout education and investment networks, which was selected to be invested by Xcala. In 2016, I have launched a business unit focused on strategic corporate communication and people engagement in disruptive scenarios, named Talk to Walk. In 2022, I have helped ideate, plan and launch Match<IT, a digital platform that connects Tech Service Providers and Tech Innovation Leaders using IA to boost digital transformation in Latin America. I am very interested in the challenge of moving business and people forward using tools like clear strategy, new ideas, inspiration and passion.

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