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Brandon Brown

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Hi! I am Brandon Brown, and I help organizations administering their systems and network improving productivity and efficiency. My expertise lies in networking, systems administration, systems support, project coordination and project management. I have been doing this for over a decade now. Organizations I have helped include Dupre’ Energy Services, Wright, Moore, Dehart, Dupuis & Hutchinson LLC, South Louisiana Community College and AT&T. Some of my key accomplishments include: - Led multiple IT infrastructure projects including implementations, upgrades, migrations, and consolidations of SharePoint and Windows Servers, VMware Servers, LAN/WAN/VPN, Active Directory, DNS and Meraki wireless access point infrastructure. - Implementing virtual technologies replacing physical servers realizing significant savings for the organizations in maintenance and licensing fees. Leveraging my excellent communication skills I have trained junior engineers and peers on systems and networking concepts and IT security. I look forward to bringing my success, experience, and background to your organization while eager to learn and grow.

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