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Brianna C.'s Linkedin Analytics

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With strengths in areas of team management, business growth and success, client retention, and relationship growth with Fortune 500 companies in the USA as well as international business. Brianna Cummings brings over 14 years in business development and international client relations. Brianna is a graduate of the USC Marshall School of business admin and management. She works with companies, organizations, and individuals seeking high-value, long-term business relationships. Over the years, Brianna has worked with companies across numerous industries to create measurable growth. She is delighted to render valuable services to her clients. Her goal is to establish her clients as industry leaders, becoming an authority in their niche. Brianna is a mother of three amazing kids and enjoys spending quality time with them during her free time. Brianna loves to volunteer her time to help coach and fundraise for her kids cheer, soccer and baseball teams and be as involved as she possibly can. She is kind, warm-hearted, and respectful to all regardless of their background and age. Above all, she loves working with people and looks forward to contributing to your success.

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