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Brooke Duffy

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Chief Revenue Officer I Chief Marketing Officer I Chief Commercial Officer I General Manager Strategic B2B revenue leader focused on aligning sales, marketing, account management, customer success, and product teams to orchestrate successful Go-to-Market plans. Builds ecosystems by connecting the dots of people, processes, and technologies that optimize growth through the customer lifecycle. Highly analytical with a strong track record of steadying the ship at pivotal times of transformation including start-up, scale-up, mergers & acquisitions, and divestitures Believes culture eats strategy for breakfast. Advocates for a people-first approach to leadership by hiring the right people, empowering them to perform, and trusting them to get the job done. Global Leadership: - C-Suite & VP Executive - Motivational Communicator - Talent Strategy - Policy Creation Growth Operations: - P&L Ownership - Brand Management - GTM Strategy - Global Sales Leadership Business Acumen: - LRP Business Forecasting - Organizational Design - Change Management - Process Implementation Currently, I can serve as Full-time or Fractional CRO / CMO / COO and advisor to B2B start-ups and scale-ups. How can I help you achieve your company goals? 🚀 Message me 🔡 Link to me 🔁 Follow me ➡️ The thoughts and insights provided here are my own and do not represent the companies that I have been or am currently supporting.

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