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I love solving problems and conquering new challenges; from an early age, I wanted to be on the front lines of business, growing revenue, increasing profits and finding new markets to expand into. When I was 21 I bought my first business with a partner, in 18 months we tripled the businesses revenue, turned the business around from a break even proposition to very profitable and had created a very loyal staff and customer base; after that, I was hooked! Throughout my career I have always taken on the difficult and sometimes seemingly impossible tasks, find opportunities when others were unable to or lacked the strategic ability and perseverance necessary. I love finding solutions to problems and growing business. It is my experience that any challenge can be met if we keep the right attitude and have the right principals and apply our self to the task at hand. Do you have a problem that I can help solve? Please give me a call at (403) 816-4593 or by email at [email protected].
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