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Calley Sullivan's Linkedin Analytics

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Calley Sullivan

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As an SMB Account Manager at Palo Alto Networks, I help small and medium-size businesses protect their digital assets and data with cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. I have a BA in Communication, Public Relations and Advertising from Villanova University, where I learned how to effectively communicate with diverse audiences and persuade them with compelling messages. I have over 2 years of sales experience as an Account Development Representative and a Sales Representative Intern at Arrow Electronics, where I generated leads, qualified prospects, and closed deals for technology products and services. I also have experience in public relations and real estate, where I gained skills in time management, research, and networking. I am a YPO's YNG network member, where I connect with other young professionals and leaders in various fields and industries. I am passionate about technology, innovation, and customer satisfaction, and I strive to deliver value and excellence to my customers and team.

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