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Can Florian Ahegger's Linkedin Analytics

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Can Florian Ahegger

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I am the Managing Director & Founder at C|A Agency, with a deep specialization in guiding brands through their evolution in the Web3 space. With over 13 years of experience, I have carved a niche in developing innovative and sustainable brand strategies, facilitating partnerships and collaborations, and leveraging Web3 as a service. My expertise spans across serving global legacy brands, where I've successfully led numerous projects aimed at aligning brand initiatives with the expectations of Gen Alpha and Gen Z demographics. My dedication to making brands accessible, safe, loyal, and sustainable is driven by a comprehensive understanding of Web3 technologies, including NFTs, the Metaverse, DeFi, and DAOs. I utilize these technologies to not only enhance brand engagement and loyalty but also to spearhead the digital transformation of traditional brands into the new era of the internet. In parallel to my commitment at C|A Agency, I am the proud founder of ART2PEOPLE, a vibrant artist collective that transcends the limitations of digital art in the Web3 realm. This initiative is focused on providing artists with platforms and opportunities to market, sell, and protect their creations, alongside fostering communities that resonate with their artistic visions and values. My dual role not only underscores my dedication to brand evolution but also my commitment to empowering artists within the digital age. I am passionate about leveraging my expertise to further the dialogue on the intersection of technology, art, and commerce, and am always looking to connect with like-minded professionals and brands aiming to innovate and make a meaningful impact in their industries.

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