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Luca Cantoni's Linkedin Analytics

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Luca Cantoni

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Hello Everyone, I'm Luca Cantoni. An ambitious, focused, and driven individual with rich background in spearheading complex technical projects, while working for clients within automotive industry. What makes me stand out are my solid skills in creating robust strategies and employing project methodologies to eliminate problems, remove inefficiency, and improve working conditions throughout the project life cycle. Employer recognizes me for leading high-performing teams, streamlining operational functions, and propelling performance optimization, while meeting stringent deadlines and making sure to respect APQP process checklists. I also possess proficiency in GANTT charts, project costs spreadsheets, TRDs, 3D models, 2D drawings, DFMEA/PFMEA, DVP reports, PPAP packages. My ability to thrive in demanding environments that require special attention to timelines and commitments. While others take pride in meeting all standards set before them, my passion is for delivering service and leadership that goes beyond organizational expectations. "Plans are worthless, but planning is everything"

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