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Cara North

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Please no solicitations. Upcoming Speaking/Facilitation Gigs: -Central Ohio ATD, Feb 20, virtual -ATD Greater Boston, Feb 28, virtual -iSpring Days, May 2, 2024, virtual -Child Aware Kentucky, May 3, 2024 virtual -Adobe Learning World, May 8, 2024 virtual -Association for Talent and Development International Conference and Expo, May 19-22, 2024 New Orleans, LA. Hi there, I'm Cara (care-uh) and I've been working in learning and development for all of my professional career. I'm an "accidental" learning experience designer who has worked in higher education, corporate and consulting settings. I enjoy building eLearning and facilitating vILT and ILT. What a great choice of a profession it has been for me! Daily, I get paid to learn new things and help others do their jobs better. I'm also the author of the book, Learning Experience Design Essentials and I'm an adjunct professor at Boise State University in their prestigious Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning (OPWL) masters program. My areas of expertise in L&D include facilitation, instructor-led training, curriculum design, workforce development, assessment, and eLearning. My biggest value isn't my experience or tool expertise, it's my network. I have the best learning and development family tree. If you are a teacher or someone who is new to instructional design, welcome! I hope you find as much joy in this work as I have. If you want some recommendations to get started with books & tech, I've created an Amazon storefront with some of my favorites: https://www.amazon.com/shop/unfilteredid Please reach out to me if you think I can help you in any way. Be patient as I get a lot of direct messages! It makes me feel productive and I especially love working with folks new to L&D and students. If I had a superpower, I like to think it's connecting people to resources and possibilities :)

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