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Carolyn Moncel

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Carolyn Davenport-Moncel is a writer, entrepreneur, digital marketing, media & communication professional and Souper-in-Chief at Simply Souperlicious. Carolyn has worked in digital marketing and media since 1995. She has worked in both the private sector - in agency, corporate, academic and nonprofit environments, and also in the public sector -- even developing strategies for local political campaigns. Through her company, MotionTemps, LLC, which she started in 2001 in Chicago, Carolyn launched the first English-speaking Virtual Assistance agency in 2002 upon her arrival in Paris. She expanded her services and practice to include glocal teams in Chicago, Paris, Geneva, London, San Francisco and Melbourne. She has written, placed articles or been featured in such diverse publications as Entreprenuer.com, Expatica.com, Yahoo News, Wired Magazine, New York Times, Washington Post, Tribune Media Companies including the Chicago Tribune, Forbes, International Herald Tribune, Wall Street Journal, CNN Business Traveler, Working Mother and more. She currently splits her time between digital engagement development at the Alimentarium, writing books and launching the Simply Souperlicious brand -- which focuses on re-introducing families to local, seasonal, sustainable vegetables through healthy soups and recipes. She also serves on the Advisory Board of GoodFestival Switzerland. Carolyn is a graduate of Loyola University Chicago and holds a B.A.degree in Communications; minored in Political Science. She speaks conversational French.

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