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Looking for your next Customer Success Manager to possess a diverse background and provide a unique perspective to your organization? Hi! I'm Carrie, and you have just stumbled across THE CSM to fit those needs! With over 16 years of experience in education, finance/compliance, Ecommerce, and owning and managing my own side hustle, I present a valuable variety of transferrable skills that will make your business STAND OUT from the rest. I am also a graduate of the one and only Recast Success CSM Bootcamp and hold the SuccessCOACHING CCSM Level 1 certification. I know you're scratching your head and wondering why I would want to leave teaching the next generation of world leaders, business owners, and people who will run the nursing home I will undoubtedly be a resident in one day... well that is a GREAT question. I yearn for challenge and variety. Customer success is a dynamic field that requires individuals to be adaptable and proactive in their approach. I thrive working with diverse teams. Working closely with sales, marketing, and product teams to ensure that customers are successful fulfills my enjoyment of collaboration with colleagues. I want to have the opportunity to directly impact customer satisfaction, retention, and overall success. I am a tech geek! I love learning new software, coding languages, and programs. And I enjoy helping others understand the value they create. I've piqued your interest to learn more about me, I know it. Drop me a DM! C - Cultivating relationships with every client U - Understanding their unique challenges and goals S - Striving to provide exceptional service and support T - Taking ownership of every issue and finding solutions O - Optimizing their experience with our product or service M - Maximizing their satisfaction and loyalty E - Engaging with them regularly and building trust R - Retaining their business and driving success S - Striving to exceed expectations every day U - Utilizing data to drive informed decisions C - Creating and executing tailored success plans C - Collaborating cross-functionally to solve complex challenges E - Empathizing with customers and understanding their needs S - Satisfying their needs through proactive problem-solving S - Supporting customers throughout their entire journey

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