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Cecilia Awoniyi

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Are you an entrepreneur looking for a way to take your business to the next level?⬆⬆⬆⬆📢 Do you feel your target audience is not reached enough? 😞 Or is your business vision isn't clear enough to them? 😱 The only way to get more customers is to have great content. The content must have a clear message to move your audience to take action.💵💷 My name is Cecilia Awoniyi😁. I have been providing high-quality jobs to entrepreneurs/ business owners. 🤑 My goal is to help entrepreneurs make the most of ROI💹. You want to connect your brand/products/services with your target audience. You want them to know you have the best solutions to their nightmares. My job as a copywriter is to put myself in their shoes. This way, I get to connect your brand with the target audience as the only solution. Good content consists of the target audience's pain points, why they face what they face, and how to get rid of their pain points. I trigger their emotions with powerful yet simple words. Not all copywriters can achieve these. Emotions are very important if you want to boost your sales. My Services include; ~Product Descriptions ~Sales Letter ~Landing Page ~Sales Page/Copy ~Youtube Scriptwriter ~Email Copywriting ~Video Script Ads ~Facebook Ads ~Website Content (Home page, About us, Product Page, Contact Us, Landing Page) ~Video Sales Letter ~Brand Story ~Sales Funnel ~Sales Pitch ~UX Copywriting ~Virtual Assistant ~Tagline ~Headlines With 2 years plus experience in copywriting, I have worked with companies/brands that revolved the below brands: ~Finance ~Insurance ~Mental Health ~Technology ~Home improvement ~Home interior/Deco ~E-commerce online store(Shopify, Amazon) Want to take your business to the next level? Send an email- [email protected] See what clients are saying about me: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'' Cecilia was very communitive and responsive. I had a lot of connections with her when I saw her past work. I'm so glad I decided to go with her for my product descriptions for my vases. I cannot rave enough about the quality and timely manner in helping me accomplish this. She listened to my feedback on the changes I wanted. I was ecstatic about what she could accomplish in a short amount of time. I'm satisfied with her final work and I look forward to working with her again in the future.'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'' Excellent work Awoniyi. You did exactly what I requested. Thank you.'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'' Great delivery''

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