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Charles Ochieng Wakera's Linkedin Analytics

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Charles Ochieng Wakera

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Research o Design and testing of research tools worked on o digitization in Kobo and ODk through xlsform o Filed management through Ganttcharts and o data analysis and visualization using Excel o presentation in PowerPoint and google slides o Capacity building o Trainings including the PFM training manuals o Design of training materials o Trainer of Trainers models and tools o Preparation of capacity building materials (manuals etc) Management o Human resources management o Strategic planning o Work flow management o Proficient in collaborative working using google docs, google slides etc o Payroll management o Proficient in Budget and Planning Finance and Accounting o Proficient in most accounting and planning software- QuickBooks, IFMIS o Filling financial documents o Cash and bank management o Grants management o Procurement accounting o Posting in the account’s software o Donor reports o Cash forecasting o Cost accounting

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