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Dera Anushiem

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Innovation waits for nobody, and every business needs to embark on the digital train. As a writer who has maintained a track record of delivering excellent content in the web 3 & crypto space, I can help your startup onboard this train. If you are looking for factual, researched, creative, or enticing crypto/NFT content (writing) that accurately depicts the developing blockchain space, you have come to the right place! WHO AM I? I am a Crypto/Web3 writer and Full-Stack Social Media Strategist who examines, reports, and can illustrate the state of blockchain's past, present, and future through the written word. WHY HIRE ME? I have helped early-stage startups like CrazyMeta and LifeStory create content and revamp their social media strategy. I have helped new crypto/NFT publications reach over 1,000 readers in the first months through research and highly sought-after blockchain content! HERE’S WHAT MY CLIENTS SAY: “Chidera helped us a huge deal preparing for launch. Professional and punctual, and I look forward to picking this up once we learn a bit about the product post-launch." “Chi is professional, honest, and very direct. He delivered all the info, audit, and strategy within the timelines and deadlines. We asked for some changes and development in the deliverables, and he made them all very quickly and in a very good way. He was always available to provide extra insights on the implementation of the work provided, which is a really useful and great aspect." “Easy to work with, smart, and data-driven! Highly recommended!" WHAT I DO: I provide the following services: •Crypto/NFT/Metaverse/ICO/PR articles •Whitepaper writing, editing, and proofreading •Blockchain market research/ reporting/ consultancy •Social media high-level strategy •High-level paid social media strategy - Social media content plan •Email marketing CONTACT ME: I have the necessary resources and knowledge to complete your project quickly and accurately. Send me a message (or send an email to [email protected]) to get a head start on your cryptocurrency content or improve YOUR social media strategy!

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