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Chloe Christine's Linkedin Analytics

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Chloe Christine

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Hi, hola, oi, bonjour! I'm Chloe, and I'm a data expert. I help businesses and agencies properly understand their website, SEO and PPC data. What do I actually do? - Google ads management - Google ads auditing - SEO Data audits and analytics - Reporting (automating reporting for agencies and freelancers) - GA4 setup and auditing - Conversion tracking implementation - Data analysis and visualisation Going beyond basic analytics. I can help you evaluate and visualise data so you can use it to your advantage. I also work with Google Tag Manager for GA4 tracking and implementation of custom Javascript variables to track additional data in GA4 (see examples in my projects section). For example, I can help you identify: ✅ How your PPC keywords and SEO keyword KPIs match up and how you can use one to assist the other ✅ How your broad, phrase and exact match keywords perform against each other and which is the best match type for your account ✅ Organic keywords for which you've seen a decline in performance over the last 6 months ✅ How many of your currently indexed website pages are dead (by pulling 0 click data from search console) I've lived in over 10 different countries and speak English, French, Spanish and a little Portuguese. Feel free to drop me a message any time - I love to chat! Advice, plan and implementation around: SEO / PPC Strategy / Analytics / Google Data Studio / Google Search Console 📧 [email protected] - 🖱 www.ccdigital.co.uk - 📞 01522 275 021 📧 [email protected] 📧 [email protected]

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