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Christian Bruce's Linkedin Analytics

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Christian Bruce

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As the Director of Operations for Blue Forest, Christian identifies trends and actionable insights in order to accelerate growth and develop a healthy goal-oriented culture. He's passionate about creating a successful relationship between organizational structure and innovation. As a product marketing specialist, he is driven by his desire to understand the relationship between what stakeholders want and business growth. This dynamic has led him to gain invaluable experience in both the nonprofit and for-profit industries. With over 10 years of business development, customer service, and senior management experience, his career is defined by leadership opportunities that have built and improved org-wide strategies, cross-functional teams, solution-oriented products, operational processes, and IT infrastructures. To him, protecting and revitalizing our forests is an existential matter and a moral obligation as a global citizen. Based in Sacramento, CA, Christian will continue to support and serve the needs of all staff at a micro level and Blue Forest as a whole. Specialties: • Strategy - Discovery - Planning - Implementation • Business Operations - General Management - Internal Comms - Information Technology • Product Marketing - Market Research - Product/Service Rollout - Customer Engagement • Executive Support - Prioritization - Planning - Reporting

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