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Christine Lo's Linkedin Analytics

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Christine Lo

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Passionate about fintechs and startups. Currently the marketing designer at Paytron. Previously at KeyPay (acquired by Employment Hero, reached unicorn status in early 2022). What's Paytron? Paytron is a sophisticated payments platform that lets SMEs manage all their business payments in one place, with built-in approvals workflows. Paytron is the only platform in Australia to streamline accounts payable, receivable, FX payments, payroll, and employee spending corporate cards. The platform allows businesses and their accountants to eliminate 7 different apps, and remove ABA files, manual processes, and duplication of work. Paytron also has a two-way sync with Xero, allowing for real-time data visibility and automated reconciliation. Paytron has been selected by Austrade and Investment NSW as one of Australia’s leading fintechs. https://paytron.com/

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